Well... I suppose...
You seem like a perfectly reasonable Hawren, so I don't see any reason why I couldn't give you such a tour myself... when I'm not supposed to be posted here, of course. If you meet me at the temple's entrance at around midnight, I'll take you to see the fountain itself! How does that sound? ...What, you're not sure if you're willing to risk death for a decent tour? Tsk. Then I suppose I can't do anything about that, now can I?
...I'm just kidding, I'll bring a ward for you. Temple, midnight. Tonight.

Ha! Haha! How does that fit you? Just light enough for you to carry? Perfect, because that was the smallest one I could find. No, really. That thing is going to absorb all the magical potential in place of your actual body, so I would highly recommend that you not take it off or set it down once we enter the inner sanctum, alright? Alright. The sages are in their congress right now, so let's make this quick, before they come back. Mind the stairs!

Welcome to the Rhodian Fountain of Youth.
The Fountains of Youth are both the birthplace and tomb of all Sparsenkind, formed by the magical oils of the earth, to which we all shall be returned after death. It is watched over and protected by the Sparsen Sages, the elite members of our kind who have dedicated their entire lives to its cause, and to Thymus, the spirit of the fountain. Yadda yadda, you're not here to listen to all that, are you? That's what the daytime tour is for. Let's see... If I timed this right, you may actually get to see the fountain erupt with Sparsenore. So keep that ward on, and watch. ...And keep back, too; you don't want to be within range of this thing's-

Why, I was just about to ask them that myself! Listen, bud, it's about time you left! Up the stairs you go!

And you can keep the ward!

[The sages of the Spice Temple are not really open for asks, but you can try anyways!]