
Itane, the self-proclaimed knight, was off doing what any self-respecting knight would be doing - He was out in the wilderness, making a name for himself! It didn't matter that there were no maps of this new island, mysteriously dubbed Frontier Island. It didn't matter that he had wandered off the beaten path hours ago, and had no clue where he was. No, all that mattered to the sandshrew, was that he knew where food was. ...Unfortunately, he had no idea on food yet. OH WELL! That was just a minor detail, really. It was the spirit of the adventure that mattered!
Or at least, so it had seemed at the time. Flashforeward to now, and Itane? Well. He was pretty much stumbling through the undergrowth at this point. The blackened patch on his head was prettymuch hidden in the dark, but the rest of him? All yellow and stuff? Totally stuck out like a sore thumb. He wasn't goin' to be doing any stealth missions tonight. Not that he had to do a stealth mission. His stomach growled quite nosily, and he was almost tempted to just eat the next berry he found, poisoned or not.
Perhaps he should of listened to Sebastian about being a bit more cautious. Not that he'd ever admit that to the sorcerer. They were rivals to the bitter end; anything Sebastian could do, Itane could do better! And there the knight went, singing as he walked.
"Anyhting you can do, I can do better! No you can't, yes I can, no you can't, yes I caaan~..."