Board index Simoia Guardian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Great Haven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Great Haven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[spoil=voices]They continue to watch you with eagle eyes. Climbing probably wasn't the best choice of actions. You curse your inability to stay calm in stressful situations like this. You try not to listen to the things they say, but when you do, all you hear is unpleasantries that range from "What are you doing here?" to the more extreme "Don't dare show your face in the daylight."


The voices grow in number, and you can sense a crowd is forming. "How are you alive?" "Is sitting there looking useless all you do?" "Go pick somewhere else to skulk."

You hate it. You wish you had never left that pile of scarves in the cart this morning, and moreover, you wish you had never left Loroni. You could have made it on your own in that town, but never in a metropolis such as this. Your stomach turns at the thought that you've almost died once already to the cold, and now what could be dozens of patricians are staring at you cornered against the wall,

But then you notice that a majority of the voices are repeating some strangely benevolent things. "Are you lost? Do you know where you are?"


You open your eyes. There is no crowd before you after all, but you still hear the voices. The two shopkeepers are simply talking amongst themselves, and yet you still here a varying array of voices.

On pole

They're coming from behind you.

[Both of them]

"Well," you begin, gently pushing the tip of the sword away, "I can use magic pretty well. Just yesterday I managed to take down a whole rozo by myself! Shocked him good!" Rye turns her head, showing interest, and yet disbelief. You pause, realizing that while your story is true, you may be playing it up a bit. "...It was kind of an accident, to be honest. And it definitely wasn't because of a curse."

Perhaps you are saying too much in general. "You mean to tell me, you have the power to overtake a giant by yourself, and you can't even control it?" She lowers her sword, but looks around in case you happened to be a distraction for someone else.

"I.. I mean, I can learn to control it! I just need practice, is all. And, what better way to help me do that than to let me be a scouting member? Because, I think that, uhh, I was always great at hide and seek when I was younger, and..."

[Rye shows off her magic.]

"Okay, okay, I get the idea." She cuts you off before you prattle on much longer, and shows off a bit of magic of her own. "You want to learn how to use your magic. Frankly,

[Raoul has zippo fingers]

[some telepathy bs]


Things I know:
Spoiler: show
- In Ariochan Hiiri culture, adults cannot wear clothing or go outside.
- Raoul is not an adult, so his bandanna was taken from him, and he is made to stay inside.
- The clock tower is part of the Grand Athenaeum of Arioch, and the Ariochan Hiiri clan resides within it. It's gigantic.
- The gladiator show is commencing in a colosseum that is built into the side of the Grand Athenaeum.
- A giant fireball will spring from the colosseum and strike the clock tower
- Felna is somewhere near the base of the tower, technically on the library side

Need three obstacles

Your story makes sense to me, and I would let you through, but I don't even have the key. The chieftain has it.
To find the chieftain, you must ___
There are options in getting they key from the chieftain.


So, you're not feeling too sure of yourself any more. You thought you'd at least be able to reach the capital before you ran out of food, but you're not even confident that you were going the right way to begin with. You could say that you're lost.

All you have with you is your side-pouch, and it's much too small to really hold anything substantial. You exhausted the last of your food probably a day or two ago, and have been trying to live off of what the forest would provide, though you don't have much experience with the wilds. The one thing you found was a patch of half-frozen mushrooms. You weren't sure if they were poisonous or not. You didn't risk it. There isn't really much to eat out here in this weather. Thank god you have a fur coat; others might not be so lucky out here. It only really started getting to you a few hours ago, when you decided to stop here and rest, though "decided" is probably a more hopeful word. At least now the snow has stopped. You're not sure you have the energy to stand.

Post Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:38 pm
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Pharmacy wrote:


The most you can do from here is throw sparks from your paws. The area around you is much too cold and wet and covered with snow, so nothing really catches. If you had the energy, you would gather more flammable materials, but as it stands you have nothing for it.

Crowstone wrote:
well fortunately for you, honey, the area you have wandered into has nutrient-filled snow.

You thought it would be enough. On your way here, you willfully ate mouthfuls of the stuff; it was at least keeping your fluids up. Maybe by some stretch of chance it would also keep you fed enough, but it's now evident that it did not. It's terrible, useless stuff, chilling you from the inside now as well as out. It reminds you of yourself in that way, dealing nothing but detriment and slowing the world down.

Spira-Virgo wrote:
> Somebody has to come, maybe try to cry for help? :(

At least one group has already walked past. You thought they either ignored you or muttered something about a "rat getting what it deserves." Maybe you do deserve it; its an awful, thieving existence. Not even your own clan wanted you, refusing you a place to sleep after that one food run went wrong. Was it even your fault? According to them, it was, with that alleged curse breathing down your neck. You don't even know how you got such a thing. Judging by your luck so far, they probably wouldn't be too far off. Your last hope would be to find the rumored safe place for those of your kind, aptly named the Great Haven of Hiiri, where all hiirikind are welcome and the food is self-sustainable. What a dream to be! It is nothing but fantastical nonsense to you now.

Chwoka wrote:
curl up and die


You suppose that would be it, then; you're not exactly left any other choice. You're not sure what will be the end of you first; its either your starving gut, or the bone-chilling cold. Having dealt with them before, you've grown resistant to their effects, the latter even being quite nice at times. It helps you forget, take your mind off of... the rest of your life as a whole, really. It's probably the one pleasure you have left for yourself. You can feel your senses dropping away now. First, your sense of smell, and your hearing second. You don't even bother opening your eyes any more, so you may as well count that one out as well. All you are left with is the numbingly warm blanket of snow around you.


It makes you think of your younger days, when you curled up in front of the fire with your siblings, listening to the stories from your elders about the outside world, of greater cities, of pirates and sea monsters, and of Great Haven. It may as well stay as that, a story. At least you can rest from that now.


Maybe Great Haven is some sort of cruel joke on the afterlife. "Go out and seek, and you will find it!" If that were the case, then it has definitely found you. You would be glad for it. It saves you the trouble of searching any longer than you would have to. It's a trap made to pull out and kill a foolish hiir, like yourself.


So maybe you were successful after all.


Post Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:55 pm
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You've never seen fruit of such color.

Post Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:49 am
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Ticanaru wrote:
Sniff the fruit. Use your rat nose, is it edible? Poisionous? Frozen?
Chwoka wrote:
it's probably poisonous!


Something tells you that you shouldn't be too sure of this food. You don't want to take the risk that this thing is just another trap set to kill you. Your nose is a bit stuffed at the moment, so that's not going to help you either. You elect to simply leave it be.

Kimpy wrote:
> Look around
Whimbrel wrote:
Where did it come from? Where are you?


You're not quite sure where you are; you're in a room of sorts, and it seems to be moving underneath you. This whole place is filled with unlabeled boxes, and all sorts of odds and ends. There's two other people here; the one on this side seems to be simply minding her own business...


And the other is staring right back at you.

"It's awake," he says.
The other's voice is much more pleasant than his. "Well, then let them rest. They probably don't appreciate you calling them an 'it,' either."
"What do you expect me to do, then? Do you want me to check between its legs?"
"You could let them speak for themselves."
"It's not even trying to eat. You should have let it just die in the snow. If you nurse it back to health it will repay us all by scampering off into the woods and taking a good chunk of our supplies with it, probably just to die again."

Silence. She gave him a quick glare, but resumed to her knitting. The other's stare is as intense as ever.

Crowstone wrote:
how do you feel though?
tronn wrote:
>Check your body for frostbite.


Your whole body aches, but at least it's warm. You feel no physical injuries. Aside from the throbbing of your skin and the fact that you're starving, you're fine. You're not sure if you should be grateful or not. You can't stay silent forever, either.

Post Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:20 am
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tronn wrote:
>Take a bite of the fruit, if they wanted you dead they'd left you in the snow.


Well... on one hand, you'll starve to death. On the other...


...It's probably the best thing you've ever tasted. It's dry and crunchy, yet wet enough to bite through and chew easily without leaving behind too much juice on your paws. It's ridiculously sweet... almost like candy. You can't even bring yourself to stop. Before you know it, you've eaten through the whole thing, with hardly a mess.

tronn wrote:
>Thank the nice turtle lady.


"Uhm... t-thank you!!"
You blurt without thinking. The ruder one across the room just scoffs.

Ticanaru wrote:
Ask the blue one where you are.


Noticing your confusion, the Torill takes the time to explain exactly where you are.
"You poor dear.. You're on a trade wagon on its way to Arioch. We were taking a break to stretch our legs when I found you out in the cold. Don't you worry, we'll find your parents soon."

It looks like you're making it to the capital after all. You're... not sure why she's referencing your "parents" (you're fully grown), though you're sure you've left them behind for a good reason. Or rather, they left you. You stay silent.

Infrared wrote:
Scamper off to the woods and take a good chunk of their supplies with you


Waitwaitwait, lets think about this.

Wherever these fruit came from, there's almost definitely more of them on here somewhere... and a lot. More importantly, if this is a trading caravan, there would be money. All of which is incredibly useful. You would be at a great advantage if you had those all with you, and you could make the rest of the journey on your own! But since you're heading to the same place, you would have to watch out for them... And before even that, they would probably chase you, and if you were caught, you would most certainly be dead. Even so... you aren't quite recovered yet; something or other must have healed you when they took you aboard, as you aren't really seriously injured from the cold, and it would be best to rest. You would have to wait for the right time, disappear when the others are sleeping...

Your thoughts are interrupted by the Torill speaking again. "...You can call me Maya. What's your name?"


You turn away to think; you're not feeling so well. Can you even trust these people? You're not even sure what was in that fruit they gave you. It tasted well enough, but you're still very off-put by something. Maybe you're just being paranoid... and maybe rightfully so.

Then again, it's not like you have anything to lose.

Post Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:26 pm
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Schazer wrote:
Answer them: Raoul. Anyone from your old life left you for dead, so it's not like your actual/original name's any real use here.


Well... this is an interesting opportunity for you. You're likely never to see any of your old clanmates again, and your old name carries with it a certain negative stigma, thanks to all the scolding and shaming and shunning you went through. You think that you would be better off without it, so you instead give her the name of some distant, more favorable cousin you thought you had. You only really heard stories of him before. His name was Raoul, you think, and you're well satisfied with that. At least, it sounds a whole lot tougher than you probably are. Naming yourself in this way gives yourself a much better sense of self-importance. Maya, pleased to see you speaking again gives a nod of approval and acceptance. "Well then, Raoul.. I have a few things to give you."


The torill pulls from the pile of knitwork behind her your bag, and a small bandanna, lifting you up to dress you in them; it takes you a little by surprise. She even ties the bandanna on for you, saying she was working on them while you were out.


Turning over the little bag, you see that it was patched up; you recall at least one hole in the corner. Not only that, but... it seems much roomier than normal. She must have used some spacebending thread or something or other to make it hold more, maybe even objects larger than itself. That would have been incredibly useful several days ago! You can see the skill in her handiwork.

"Awwh, look who's so cute in that little bandanna!"
You remind her that you are not a child.
"Well of course you aren't, little man."

You hear a third voice coming from the door saying that the wagon will pull over for a food break.


The Rozo across the room gives an eerie sort of snicker as he continues to leer at you. "Heheh... well, Raoul, I hope you're feeling bright and chipper; you're going to need that. Have you even been to the Arioch, Raoul? Not only is it the capital of the world, but it is teeming with Hawrens."

Sai wrote:
Believe the food to be drugged with such overwhelming fervor that the placebo effect alone ensures that you are intoxicated upon consumption.


You are NOT feeling well.

Whatever that fruit was, it was definitely poison. For a while now, you've been feeling dizzy, though you did not notice it before. Of all the six races of the world, you think Hawrens have to be the most dangerous; You've heard horror stories of Hawrens that abduct Hiiri like yourself for use in their twisted experiments. Did that fruit mean to turn your legs into jelly, as they are now? To keep you from running away? Are you just another thing to sell to these people? You try to say something, anything... but no words come, and your throat is dry and parched. All you can do is stand there, stunned, as the unnamed rozo's evil grin bores right between your eyes.

Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:39 am
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Kíeros wrote:
> Quickly! Crawl back into something so they can't do anything to you.

AgentBlue wrote:
Hide inside your own bag.


You aren't taking any chances; it's well time you hit the deck!


You fall to the floor with a thump, fidgeting in a panic. It's quite roomy in here... which is good, considering how being in a confined space would probably be not too good for your lowering condition. That damn fruit is making you ill. At least you can hear outside, somewhat.

"Mort, if I have to throw you under the wagon again, I'm not going to fix you this time."

AgentBlue wrote:
Throw up.


You now have one (1) pile of yuck in your inventory.

You immediately feel better, but that probably won't last for long. Unfortunately, you needed that food in your stomach, though it's much better than having whatever poison that was most certainly in it.

Schazer wrote:
Calm your goddamn tits, Hiiri. Why would the torill give you useful, apparently enchanted equipment, if you were destined to be a lab rat?

tronn wrote:
>Raoul: It's probably just indigestion from eating such rich food after being starved.

...Though, reconsidering things, your current location wouldn't even be possible if it weren't for Maya's actions. After all, you're feeling awfully energetic for someone who passed out to starvation and hypothermia; maybe she's to credit for that as well. Giving it even more thought in your rational state of mind, you were likely only having a bad reaction to the fruit you've never seen or tasted before. You're not sure if you should be eager for more or not. The group is pulling over, though, and that means it would be an excellent time to get some real sustenance.



You might have passed out for a bit. You're outside now, and you're still in your bag; as easy as it is to store yourself in it, you now know from the chill of the air that it won't do as any sort of shelter. At least the fire nearby is keeping you warm enough. Someone started boiling a pot of water; you can't see it, but you can hear it. Everyone seems to be in a practiced silence. The torill is still knitting, and at least one person is drinking from a bottle.

Post Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:32 pm
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Whimbrel wrote:
Apologize for messing up the bag via vomit


.....Yes, you're regretting that, now. Not only is it a mess that you'll have to deal with now, but the smell is going to stick for weeks. Maya made it good as new, too. At least, it doesn't smell that bad. ...And you didn't have that much in your stomach anyways. At least you're, uh, alive, right?


Fortunately, you were always one to keep your inventory well-organized, especially when it includes yourself. You make it a point to never, ever mix the hiiri with the piles of vomit.


A new face is looking right at you when you emerge. He must have been the driver.

"Good, you're awake again. I have some tea brewed up for you here if you feel you need to calm your nerves." Maya next to you says she made sure you weren't over-nauseating yourself in there.

He's a Sparsen. You never really liked them; they're odd and unnerving in their own right. He seems to be running the show here, but you have to wonder how it managed to learn to cook organic food.

You can't really see what it is he's handling in that pot, though, and there's no way you're going to be climbing up that thing over an open pit of fire, even if it looks fake; it looks magically produced. You can smell the food at least: it's definitely a savory stew of some kind, with possibly some kind of poultry, and the sweet fruit you had earlier. To be honest, it's not the greatest smelling thing in the world. A Sparsen can cook, but it can't taste.


Chwoka wrote:
strike up a conversation with the tricycle dog
tronn wrote:
>Raoul: Check out the doggernaut pulling the cart.


Oh lord, THIS thing is deserving of your whole and undivided attention. Is that seriously the thing that's been pulling you along this whole time? That's ridiculous. It's not even funny. It's time to investigate.


Oh, that's right; you're starving.

Post Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:35 pm
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Eventually, the driver decides that his meal is done being prepared, and begins doling out the portions. Since you were a bit of an unplanned arrival, he doesn't give any specifically to you; it's understood that you're 100% Maya's responsibility. She makes an odd face at the soup and decides she isn't hungry, and gives her portion to you, since you obviously need it more.

Already, the Rozo is complaining. "Hey, There's not very much here."

"Shush," the driver says. "I'll explain that in just a moment."

Funny, it looks like your own bowl could feed two torills.


The sparsen starts to give a little speech. "As I'm sure you both know, this next stop is going to be our last before I pay you for your work this season. But there's still one thing I have yet to address, and that would be our food situation. I'm always sure to pack well more than enough food on my trading routes in case of emergencies or thefts and whatnot..."


"...but the problem is this: I only had enough food tonight for this meal, and that means there will be no breakfast in the morning. My personal food supply has dwindled as well, and that's troublesome, as I should be the only one who even knows where that is."


The rozo (apparently named Mort) points his spear on you, concluding that "It must have been the rat." He slithers toward you with that semi-staggering gait that all rozo seem to have.

You back away from the tip of his spear, but Maya is quick to defend you, at least verbally. "N-nonsense. He's only been here a little while, and unconscious for most of it! He's been at my side this whole time."

"Well, it only makes sense. Hiiri are thieves! So he must be the thief. It wasn't a problem before he arrived on this wagon, but now that he's here, we're having problems. He may have been doing it over time, tagging along this whole way until he accidentally was found by you of all people, and he played possum. Wretched creature, I would have killed him on the spot."


"Nobody will be killing anybody here." Thankfully, the Sparsen decided to step in before things got too sticky. It seemed he had a better control over that weapon than its owner did. He adds, "Don't think I haven't noticed the disappearances from the start, when we left Arioch in the spring. That's far too long for this Hiir to freeload and go unnoticed. I've been waiting for either now, or for whoever it is stealing my food to start giving themselves away, but now I know you're a lot smarter than to let that happen."

tronn wrote:
What are Sparens? Are they completely made out of feldspar, or is it just a crunchy shell? Are they even living things or constructs of some kind?

You were never really sure what they were; all you were ever told was that they were "inorganic," and that meant they had needs unique from any other species. That, and you've never seen one up close. You think you've heard stories told that they were the first form of life to rise from the earth, before anything else had a chance to appear. Whatever food they do eat causes extreme hallucinations in anyone else through mere contact with it; you had to learn that one the hard way. You think there were some addicts back at the clan as well. It burns your hands.

He continued. "Both of you have worked under me before. I will be sure that whoever the culprit is will be turned over to the authorities when we arrive. I will make sure all are present when I do, as any who disappear or run away before then will have a bounty hanging over their heads."

Crowstone wrote:
eat some soup!


Hahahaha, that sounds like the best course of option right about now! ...It at least tastes a little better than what you're used to.

Post Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:20 pm
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KittenEater wrote:
What's in that soup, anyway?


Ooh, boy, where to begin. You're not sure if the first thing you noticed was that lavishly sweet fruit that's been stewed in there, or the copious amounts of salt that's been mixed in with it. There are some other things in here, but those two are the most overpowering. If you make it beyond that, there's some sort of fennely taste, and what might be some breed of pheasant. Still, you can't complain... food is food, after all.

Dalmationer wrote:
>level up from slaying the food!


Yes! Food is pretty great, isn't it? You've gained a defense advantage and a slight attack advantage in fighting all food enemies, including soup! It looks like you're a cut above the rest!

KittenEater wrote:
Wow, actually, that looks like a lot of food. You probably could share it with the cute turtle, even if we're short on food.
Dalmationer wrote:
>chat to turtle some more she is good. Why doesn't she like soup?


Well, judging purely for yourself, you can totally see why she doesn't like it... but something isn't right. Having eaten your fill and leaving quite a bit left still, you ask her, "Don't you want to eat too?"

She hesitates to reply, and scratches the back of her head. The other two are discussing the abuse of weapons, so she speaks in a hushed tone. "Well... I'll be honest, it's... not the best, is it? I think there are better uses for perilla than stew." You figure that's what that fruit is called. She undoes one of the knots in her half-finished sweater, and continues. "That, and most meats don't really sit with me well, you know..? So I try to avoid them when I have the option. ...I'm surprised you can stand it at all, actually."

You tell her that it's better than eating straight-up garbage, which is what you were used to before you left your clan. She looks a little shocked.


Mort forfeits his position on his own conversation to jump in on yours, apparently finding it more interesting. "Is that why I haven't seen you eat for the last week, Maya? Have you been tossing out your portions so you can eat behind our backs?"

Maya grows annoyed and defensive. "What? No, I have the decency to eat what I need! ...Besides, you're the one who's always complaining about having small portions! How do we know you're not the one who's doing that? That's.. that's so rude!"

The driver chimes in again. "I'm not so concerned about the organic food as much as I am my own food. Sparsenore is a narcotic, and I'm sure everybody here knows that."

Spira-Virgo wrote:
> Prove your innocent by accepting to be under severe watch under the Sparsen's room locked inside with him tonight. That way you can't possible be the culprit!


Growing agitated, you stand up and speak. "I don't want to be a part of this," you say! "I-I'll even stick around under your watch, so you'll know it wasn't me!"

The driver pauses, considering your offer. "You know," he replies, "I wasn't really concerned about your presence to begin with, but if you feel it's necessary, I see no harm in it. But be aware that it doesn't say anything about your past actions, and that I don't do 'sleep' like you do. I'll be driving until we reach our destination, since we won't need to be stopping for breakfast."

"...I need something to do," you realize. "I think I'll be awake all night since I've been out of it so long... but I feel terrible."

"If you want, I can teach you how to drive the caravan."


"How can you be so stupid? He'll steal the whole car! I don't want to see this rat anywhere near the controls for this thing!"

He's getting a bit too close for comfort.

Post Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:45 am
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"Now listen. You might have agreed to stay under the Sparsen's watch, but you still have to be under my watch. If you try to pull anything and I catch you, you can be sure I will personally see to your punishment. Do you understand?"

You get two or three good steps away from him, but his head and his knife don't seem to get any farther away. He's a presence, gliding oh so nearer to you. At this point, you're starting to suspect that he might be racist, or drunk. Probably both. The real sad thing is that you can't blame him for either of those; Rozo and Alcohol go hand in hand, probably for biological reasons.


"Now you listen." You look up in time to see the driver saving your hide. "I will not have you acting so hostile. Hiiri are people too; they have lives just like everybody else, and you know it. I'm going to tell you to put the knife down, since you are clearly in no state of mind to be owning it."

Looking behind him, you see Maya preparing some kind of spell, but she's shaking.

He analyzes the situation, but doesn't move.. "....I get your point. Back away, and I will sheathe it."

"I don't think you understand. Put your weapon down and we'll let you away."

AgentBlue wrote:
Grab onto the Sparsen. Hug tight for safety.
tronn wrote:
>What is the driver's name?


Thinking it best to get away yourself, you shamble over to the driver for a hug... and things get silent quick. You try to break it by asking his name. "...Is there something I can call you, Sparsen sir?"

It takes a second for him to respond. "...That's not really important."

"Ahem," Mort starts, "I am not comfortable with all these spears and magics pointed on me."

Maya reminds him of the terms without skipping a beat. "And how do you think Raoul felt when you did just that the last two times? Put it down! ...Sheesh, you're acting more insufferable than usual."

"Why would I do that?" He says, "You could attack me at any time with those weapons of yours, and I would be defenseless! I say you back off first, and I will agree to sheathe my knife."

Crowstone wrote:
ask if you can sit on tricycledog
tronn wrote:
>Check out the ridiculous dog-thing. Finally!

You might be curious, but you know better than to poke around without asking first. "Can I climb the dog?"

More silence.

The sparsen waits for you to go do it, but realizes you won't do anything without answer. "...Yes, you may climb the dog."


You peek out at it at first, now ignoring the argument around you. What a mysterious beast. How could such a being pull this cart while balancing so precisely on those wheels? It's so perfect and still, like a statue! Those perfect, glowing green eyes, and that sleek, chiseled black form...


...That's just a statue, isn't it? That raises even more questi-




Your ears are filled with the booming sound of his voice as you're hoisted into the air! "Is this what you were afraid of? Is it? Get away from me!"

You're terrified.

Post Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:05 pm
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Your back locks up from the stress put on your tail, in combination with the mental stress that comes with being taken hostage in this way. It all weighs down on you, making you realize just how tired and helpless you really are. You feel like you're just some poor animal caught in a predator's trap, dangling uselessly as his dagger waves ever so closely to your face and belly, ready to strike at any second. Your ears can hear their yells, muffled in the adrenaline, but your eyes can't see the other two caravan members surrounding you. They're likely just as surprised as you are, but nowhere near as afraid. The blood is already starting to rush to your head.

Ticanaru wrote:
Bite him!
Zephyr Nepres wrote:
> Pull some sweet Hiiri ninja moves on this racist drunkard.

Drawing a deep breath, you take a brief moment to assess your situation. He's carrying you a healthy distance away from himself; he's got both of his arms ready either to defend himself or to gut you out. The closest part of him is probably his tail behind you, and you are by no means enough of an acrobat to pull yourself up or even turn around in this position. Was it ever mentioned how much it hurts to have all your body weight supported by only the base of your tail!?

That knife he's got pointed toward you seems to be the most tangible thing around you. Looks like you're going to have to try and disarm him somehow.

Dragon Fogel wrote:
Try to get your inventory satchel loose and stuff his knife in it.


Much to your advantage, the rozo is barely paying attention to you; you're just the object of negotiation here. All you have to do is wait for the right moment, and... voip! Push your bag right over it. You hold your paws as tightly as you can around the flap. That thing is yours now.

It takes him a moment to realize what's up. "What did you just...?"


Maya is the first to act, but she whiffs it. Both of you probably forgot that, aside from his spear and his knife, he also has claws. They've got you good by your bandanna.


In that next instant, the driver makes his move and tries to get at his arms with the spear. Things are moving around much too quickly, and a spear isn't exactly a precision instrument; He ends up cutting the strap to your satchel, causing it to fly off from the tension and void itself of its contents...


...Right onto Mort. He staggers a little bit; the spear must have cut through the spacebending thread. Thank goodness the knife hit him hilt-first, but he's got a bit of a mess to clean up now.

Ticanaru wrote:
Use your magic!

Now that he's distracted with that, you take matters into your own hands and prepare to give him a little bit of a shock. You twist around and reach for his hands; Hopefully it'll be just enough to loosen his grip, and you can scamper off home free to the dog statue!



That can't be right.



Mort is down for the count.


Maya looks like she somehow caught a bite of that, as well. Thankfully, she's a bit more resilient. "W-what in the heck was that?!"

Spoiler: show
tronn wrote:
Have I told recently how much I like this adventure? Because I do!

Aww, thank you! Any sort of encouragement really helps. I've been stuck with a bit of a rough patch lately, so I haven't had much time to work on this. Now that the new year is starting soon, I should have a little more time for projects such as this one.

In the meantime, if anybody has something to say about my art, writing, world or etc, feel free to say it. I'm always looking to improve, and any sort ofcritique - good AND bad - is greatly appreciated.

Similarly, if anybody is having trouble with commands, but has questions about the world or how it works, feel free to ask, and Raoul will do his best to try and explain.

Thank you so much for sticking with me so far on this, and I hope you all are enjoying it!

Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:23 am
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ICan'tGiveCredit wrote:
> Do all Hiiri get trained to do that


Not, uh... really. Hiiri generally aren't geared for magical work. In fact, you could consider yourself quite lucky; you learned to throw sparks at a pretty early age with almost no effort, whereas most hiiri take years upon years to do that. Maya seems pretty adept, though... so you can only assume that torills are more naturally able.

Turning to your bag, you witness its broken state. Without the intact spacebending thread, its not as useful as it was, aside from storing small meals like you did before. That knife is way too big and cumbersome for you to just carry around, so you suppose you'll have to leave it be, and hopefully you'll figure out a new way to lug the thing. Of course, that's only if you remember to pick it up. As for the other part of your inventory... that... can stay where it is.

GreatKaiserNui wrote:
Check if victim survived.

Well, he has a pulse, which is good. You don't want to be charged with murder as well as possible theft. He's unconscious, though. Hopefully things will be a bit more calm around here.


Maya is quick to get back to her feet, evidently catching only a mild dose of your unexpected sparkshow. She tiptoes her way around to the sparsen's side, remaining cautious about the scene before her. It's pretty clear now that what you did wasn't normal to these guys; the sparsen even remarks, "There's no way a hiir could have done that."

tronn wrote:
>Lie like there's no tomorrow, to make yourself look more dangerous than you are.


You don't even skip a beat in taking advantage of their doubt. Still dizzy from the experience, you stand yourself as proudly as your wobbly legs will allow, and puff your chest to boast. "W-well, you can't know that for sure! You s-saw me do it with your own eyes! He almost hurt me..." You pause. Your throat grows parched as you think of the next thing to say "S-so just... just..."


They look like they're either worried or unconvinced. It's not really looking good, and your lack of confidence over the matter is crushing you. Your insecurity is making you deflate.

The Froggy Ninja wrote:
Tell the truth.


Feeling self-defeated, you pull your ears over your eyes, hiding your face from embarrassment. "J-just... stay away from me. I can't control it. I-I'm... c-cursed..."

"Cursed?" Maya doesn't seem to buy that either, but... she at least has the decency to go along with it. "You poor little g-"


"You're cursed? No no no no, that doesn't sound good for business at all! I'll have the decency to take you into the capital, but as soon as we're through with out business with the authorities, you'll have to find your own way." Maya seems to have just silenced herself; she's looking pretty uncomfortable, and you can certainly say you are too. It feels like all those countless times you've been scolded by your elders, for things entirely out of control. The sort of thing that ultimately drove you away.

The driver goes on to ask, "What are the details of this curse of yours? The more we know, the more losses we can avoid." It sounds humiliating at first, but he continues. "...And, the closer we'll be to finding a cure for you." You feel a little flutter of hope fly within your chest.

But, where to begin? It's something you were accused of having since birth, apparently, but "curse" is really the only thing you've been able to call it. You hate superstition, but after living your whole life with it breathing down your neck, you can't deny that it's a very real possibility. It's been the blame for a great number of things, but the only things you could personally pin it down to were loud noises during raids, and sudden electric outbursts like the one you just gave. Between that, your satchel situation, and the unconscious Mort laying behind you, you're quite reasonably distressed. What can you even say or do?

Post Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:44 pm
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You take a deep breath... you aren't going to like talking about this to unfamiliar people, but you suppose it was for the greater good... you wouldn't want to be responsible for a second man down. And they did try to defend your life there.

tronn wrote:
>Explain that it's not a big thing, it's just something you were born with and cannot change.

You tell them... you don't really know how you ended up cursed. Perhaps your father or mother were being too irresponsible around the torill gypsies, and their punishment was passed to the runt of the litter instead of them. Perhaps it was just bad timing, being born at the wrong time and under the wrong sign and at the wrong hour. Maybe you simply had terrible luck the entire time; the entire world around you arranged in just the perfect way to trip you up every step you take. Regardless, you don't know for sure... so unless you get an expert opinion, you're stuck like this.

You hold off a little on what you think it does. For the most part... you'll say you fumble a lot, and overshoot your magic. That's all they need to know. As for preventative measures... you simply tell them to keep you safe, so you don't end up in a position where you're forced to take action, and therefore make things even worse.

The Sparsen looks unsatisfied with your explanation, but.. he nods his head in agreement, and begins work on packing up. Maya has a look of pity.

Zephyr Nepres wrote:
> Apologise for the satchel getting ripped.


Since you still had her attention, you take the opportunity to move on, trying to forget about the previous conversation as fast as possible. Grabbing the broken satchel next to you, force yourself to speak again, praying she isn't upset over it. "Well... My bag needs to be fixed.. again. I'm sorry... That spacebending thread doesn't sound very easy to get... a-and... I'm sorry about breaking it again after you worked on it so much! But.. now that it's here, I was gonna ask if you, uh..."


Maya doesn't hesitate in taking it back from you. "Oh, nonsense; I have plenty more where that came from."


"Spacebending thread isn't as expensive as you think," she says, beaming. "It only took a little while to patch it up last time. Don't you worry about it sweetie! I'll have it all fixed up for you again in a jiffy."


A wave of relief washes over you as you sit down, watching her join the driver in putting away all the supplies. Hauling away Mort, turning off the artificial fire, all that. You're much too small to really be of much help; it was as awkward to watch as it was tedious to do. Finally, after a few minutes, Maya scoops you up, and everyone boards through the back.


The statue up front hums to life, and the vehicle starts rolling away toward its destination once more. As you huddle under the blanket from before, you look over the other side of the car; Mort's motionless body is definitely unsettling, especially surrounded by all his things... just out in the open. The driver calls from upfront to remind you of your suggestion, but says it's entirely up to you what you want to do; he never really intended to force you into anything. You see he brought the knife and the spear up there with him. Maya is just as busy as she was before, working away on your satchel... but she can't help but notice your silence. "...I hope you're feeling alright after that, Raoul."

...You could probably poke around if you wanted to.

Post Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:01 am
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For the time being, you decide to wait it out. You suppose you were never really obligated to get up from this cozy blanket and do anything, were you? So, huddling up in your corner, you just relax and try to forget about all the things that keep happening. Running away from what you once thought of as home, starving, nearly getting killed twice in the last 24 hours... and as exhausted as you are, the most unfortunate thing about it all is that you can't even sleep. Nobody talks... its just a demanding silence. The sounds of Maya's needlework and the bouncing of the carriage fill the air, and while they aren't exactly intrusive, they are a nice distraction for the boring hours that go by. Perhaps you simply aren't used to sleeping in motion. Or maybe its the fact that your adrenaline levels have been on a roller coaster ride.

Or maybe something in the room has been gnawing at the back of your thoughts.

Spira-Virgo wrote:
> Check up those interesting looking bottles~


That is alcohol. You say with 99% certainty that that is alcohol. If it weren't for your numbed senses at the moment, you could probably smell it from over here... And you would drink it, excepting the fact that it would be wise to stay vigilant in these confusing circumstances of yours. You can usually take a few of the greater races' shots, but a container that size is ridiculous. That whole bottle is like something the clan would steal to last a whole week; it's almost larger than yourself. And he has two of the things. And aside from that, you don't know what he'll do if he wakes up.

At least it's comforting knowing that it's an available option.


Crowstone wrote:
nah you're good for now :O
Whimbrel wrote:
Check out the dog! dog dog dog

Now there is a plan.


You wearily hobble yourself out to the front. You're much too short to see over the edge, but you can tell from all the wobbly motion and the trees overhead that the carriage is moving pretty fast. The driver notices you almost immediately.

"Oh. I was wondering when you were going to show up. Glad you did, because it was getting pretty boring out here, and I sold my book in the last town."

Well, at least he could read. Who knew driving was easy enough to distract yourself with something as hard as that?


He lifts you up, giving you a nice open look at the road and the scenery whooshing on by. The speed is ludicrous; This is easily over ten times the speed you could go walking! It makes you wonder why you didn't consider hitching a ride when you left days earlier. You did think the cities were closer together... And the control panel isn't like anything you've seen before. You've seen the parts, for sure, but never have you seen them in use. It's almost alien. You can't decide if it looks janky and hastily thrown together or planned and precise.

The Sparsen offers an explanation. "There's really not much to it... you use the dial in the middle to speed up and slow down, or go in reverse; however, if you did that, the lead would end up backing right into us, so it's forward only. The other two dials are for steering. You use the band in between to keep them even. Any questions?"

You thought there was something funny about the reverse feature. "Why can you do backwards at all?"

He chuckles a little. "Usually you can, but I sold the metal cage and replaced it with straps. It's all you really need."

You're not sure if you like sitting up here watching the ground whoosh by.

Post Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:50 pm
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tronn wrote:
>So what's the dog thing? Is it alive, like a sparsen?


You try to push off your fears for now; you've never seen anything like this, so its all probably normal anyways. There are questions that need questioning!

First thing is first, you suppose. "O-okay... but, how does it work?"

He doesn't even hesitate to answer the question. "The same way everything works; by magic. Each of these diodes sends a signal to a set of diodes on the lead, which in turn control the speed and direction of each of those wheels. I wired them up myself."

Whimbrel wrote:
Why is it shaped like a dog? not that we're objecting it's awesome.


"...And as for that... well, you could really use anything you want as a lead for these things, if you have the know-how. I just happened to have this piece of junk with me. It hasn't failed me yet, in plenty of situations. I don't think I could ever bring myself to selling it after all its been through." He pauses for a bit.


"...Ehh... give me a moment."


With a sleight of his... flipper, the driver narrowly prevents a collision with a fellow caravan. The whole cart hinges on its wheels before thunking back to the ground on all fours.


"...Alright, we're all clear."

Kíeros wrote:
> Ask if he could slow it down just a little.

No! No no no no! This caravan is moving too fast, and you can hardly stomach it! Why is everyone else unfazed?

"Slowing down isn't really an option," he says. "As long as we keep to this pace, we'll make it to town before we have to stop for breakfast. Its only a few dozen more kilometers. I'll have you know I'm a very experienced driver, if it's of any comfort."

"We could have died," you protest! "We almost got smashed! Slow down, pleaase!"

Maya chimes in from the back as the sparsen tries to console you with physical pats between your ears. "Sweetie.. we really aren't moving very fast at all. You're just... smaller than the rest of us, is all."

Figures. You're still scared out of your wits!

Post Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:42 pm
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Crowstone wrote:
maybe you should go back indoors..


"Eeh..." He apologizes. "Sorry if this is only making you spooked. Try and get some rest, alright?"

That would be ideal. You don't waste any more time on making that decision, and climb up and over the sparsen's arm, hopping off to the wagon floor.

tronn wrote:
>Hide under a bench until you arrive at the city.


Hightailing it to the nearest hiding spot, you bury yourself into Maya's pile of yarnwork, leaving the gentle rumble of the wheels and floor as the only reminders of your inexperience riding in these contraptions. And sheesh, it sure beats the hell out of that other blanket you were hoveled up in! You have to ask yourself why you didn't dive in here earlier. You hope she doesn't mind...


Judging by the fact that she was just giggling at you, she probably doesn't. Which is nice, since you would certainly mind having to leave. The pile mostly composed of scarves and hats... and a sweater or two. It's all very meticulously crafted.

Spira-Virgo wrote:
> So Maya where are ya traveling to?

You don't really have anything to do on your own after you reach the capital. Of the three other people on this thing, you'd think Maya would be the only one to let you stick around. The driver doesn't like curses, and Mort... is a jerk.

"Aah... Maya?" You begin to ask, "What are you gonna do when you get to Arioch?"

She's hesitant. "...Why you askin', little guy?"

"To... tell the truth, I don't really know where I'm going. I'm lost."

There's a few more moments of silence before she starts to speak again. "...Well, after this job is finished and I have my payment for the season, I'll have enough money to head back to my hometown and raise my children."

"You have children?" You ask.

She nods, and that's the end of your conversation. You keep quiet for the rest of the trip, as its probably not your place to be asking about her family matters. Before you know it, your exhausted body is asleep again.



You awake, and there's a hawren onboard. Everyone else is gone.

Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:40 am
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tronn wrote:
>Wait is he stealing the stuff? Stay hidden, you don't want to intervene!


You have no clue what he (or she, it's a little difficult to tell from behind) could possibly be up to. Are they some sort of brigand who took hold of the caravan, simply not noticing you there? Are they making that unsavory gesture on purpose?

They... DO look like they're on official business, though, as they aren't rapidly tearing down the place... only carefully checking each item in the car and muttering under their breath. Maybe... maybe they own the caravan, now? And Maya left you in its cargo? But that's ridiculous, all these scarves are still in here, and those bottles over there belonged to that certain rozo.

Maybe they're some sort of inventory checker? Be it professional, or... not so professional, possibly hired by a larger band of highwaymen who decided they needed someone to keep track of their quarry. They don't look too happy about being here, anxious, even... like they don't have a firm handle on what they're supposed to be doing. It could be that they're being forced... by what? The threat of death?

...You're overthinking things again. What kind of a band of thieves would force someone else to take inventory for them? Not even your own clan did that; inventory was always taken by the head; it was a much more efficient and reliable way of knowing what went where. Nobody could forge numbers to get out with a better sha-


"Atchoo!" Thinking about clan storage reminds you of the amount of dust that was in there.

The hawren turns around to look at you almost immediately. They hadn't seen you beforehand.


"Aaaahh... H-heeelp!" He cries out in a mild but growing panic. His face looks more afraid of you than you are of him.

Whimbrel wrote:
Sneak out.


So, you're not gonna waste any time before getting out of his way. You hop right to your feet and scurry towards the back door, leaving the dude to have a panic attack on his own in here; its freaking you out, too. You can tell from the light outside that it's no longer nighttime, or even snowy.


Your little legs plop you right onto the ground outside, where your eyes are assaulted with an assortment of color and activity. It's nothing new... but instinct is telling you not to be out in the open. You're in a city plaza, and it's a lot bigger than the one back where you are from. The tile beneath you is warm... which is strange for winter. And there are hawrens everywhere. It almost makes you want to back up under the car again. Nearby you see the driver and a lady similar to the hawren you saw inside... and Mort, who looks incapacitated and otherwise crazy. Just like you remember him.

The driver clicks his arms together a few times in impatience. "...Sorry about that. Maya didn't want to move him," he says. "Are you sure he's going to be alright on his own in there?"

The hawren in red's voice is much more stiff. "...If I do anything, I'm probably going to have to let him calm down first." Her wings clutch into fists behind her back, and she takes a deep breath. "...Do you... have papers for this fourth passenger?"

"I don't, but.. I'm not sure if he had any to begin with. He joined us mid-voyage."

The two avoid looking at each other. You hear hyperventilating coming from inside.

Post Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:39 am
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AgentBlue wrote:
Cling to the driver. CLING TO THE DRIVER.


As your mind poorly handles all these new sights and sounds, you make a beeline for the nearest thing of comfort as if by instinct, and that thing happens to be the caravan driver. Also, you just kinda want to get away from that guy. The first thing he does in response is push you away with his cylindrical foot. "No, no no no, please, I can't be... you shouldn't be getting too attached to me." Its a bit troubling, but soon enough you come to your senses.

Crowstone wrote:
>Ask what's going on :O


"...At least tell me what's happening here," you request.

He's glad to explain. "I'm... simply having the caravan searched and inventoried. I've got to figure out who stole my sparsenore... or to be more exact, where Mort put it. Its stupidly obvious he did it. When Maya and I carried him in, I saw the burn marks on his hands.... and look at him now, even."

The dude does look pretty ill. The narcotics must have built up over time, however dumb way he was handling it.

"...In any case, the only thing left to do is prove it to the authorities, so you're free to g-"


"I'm going back to the barracks." The Hawren from earlier storms himself out of the caravan, bleary-eyed and trying to hide his face.

The other one follows right after him. "Hey hey, Don't be like that, c'mere."


"....As I was saying, you're free to go after all the paperwork is done, but since I'm sure neither of us want to deal with your apparent lack of citizenship, you could just leave now while they're distracted." He leans down to grab the gadget that the hawren dropped, and starts twisting little dials on it. "...I'm pretty sure I can do a better job than the government, anyways."

"...Is that legal?" you ask.

The driver doesn't skip a beat in answering. "Of course it is! If you have any stuff left on here, though, you'll have to come back and get it later. I need to find out where this guy is hiding what he stole. He probably dropped them in one of his brandy bottles. So, uh.. I'll be in the market, alright? Now go."

Which is all very helpful information to know when you know nothing about the city. The only possession you really have to get is your satchel, which, last you knew, was in Maya's possession. Which means you'll have to get it back from her. Before you set yourself loose, you ask the Sparsen one more question, namely, wherever that blue shelled individual might be. He answers, with a rather blunt "I dunno, kid."

Seems you're on your own, then.

tronn wrote:
>Scamper off!


Wherever you are, there are lots of neatly lined up cars here... and a bunch of buildings in the direction opposite of the wall. There are a few street vendors lining the streets, which seem to radiate out from the massive gate that probably serves as an entrance to the city. Between the vendors, there are some more major operations, and though you can't really read the signs, you can see some clear symbols... they include one elaborate and broad diamond shape, a rectangular sign with loads of stacked triangles, and... a bank. You'd recognize that anywhere, even if you've never properly used one. In between it all, there's a small plaza-like area that people are frequently walking through, and in the distance, you can make out some kind of tower... though it looks pretty far.

Maya ought to be somewhere. The only question is where? Maybe people have seen her? ...Or maybe you ought to just wait nearby for her return? Being outside in the early morning like this is not very usual for you. But, it's either keep your distance, or face a society that's designed for anybody but your own kind.

Post Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:18 am
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tronn wrote:
>Poke Mort, see if you can get anything out of him.


Oh yes, this is a classic, classic case of sparsenore overdose. There's probably illusory fireworks going off in his little head. Well... if you leave him be, you'll probably not see him ever again... and that doesn't sound like a bad deal, considering what you've been through.

tronn wrote:
>Use your streetwise to find a place where they would sell narcotics, that's as good as any place to start.
AgentBlue wrote:
Get up high, I think is the solution.

...Buuut. Seeing him lay down here like this gives you an idea. Back in your home city of Loroni, there were usually sparsenore dealers hanging out about the rooftops that generally knew most of the population around. You were sent quite often to go fetch the stuff for the rest of your clan. People were supposed to take turns, but its funny how things work out when you sit on the bottom rung of the ladder, isn't it? ...That place did had a pretty bad drug problem, now that you think of it.

But what's much more important than finding narcotics, or, meeting people in this city (that might not even operate the same as your old town)... is that when you're standing on a rooftop, you can see a considerable distance.

Crowstone wrote:
rectangle with triangles :3


These things are a lot taller and a lot less climbable-looking than the ones back at your old home. But it's worth a shot, you suppose. Lack of stamina be damned; you need that bag back.

Waiting for the nearby citizens to look away, you scurry yourself up a stack of crates, jumping to the sign on the side of the building for use as a ladder. There are scratch marks on it, so you're sure you're not the first. With a bit of effort, you eventually surmount the top of the structure, but you wouldn't dare try to climb the beacon on top. You'll get zapped pretty hard if you do.


...The floor and air is a lot colder up here. There's a bit of snow, even. You've got a pretty good view of the area around the bank, if a little distanced. With a little bit of scanning the crowd... ah.


Well, that could have been a lot easier. Maya was standing just inside the bank after all. But... who's that cloaked figure she's talking with?

Post Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:41 pm
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[quote='Wheat' pid='130707' dateline='1463037864']
Bask in sunlight for a bit.


You would like to lounge. It's not something you get to indulge in very often. Up here, even where nobody below is watching, you still feel incredibly exposed. That may be in part due to the sentries standing on the outer walls - or the simple fact that there isn't a roof over your head. And it's still as cold as bitter winter. Not that you aren't used to it, though; back in Loroni, the ground wasn't heated as it seems to be here. Snow was all over the place, instead of just on the rooftops.

Aside from all that, your anxiety tells you that there is something more important to do right now.

[quote='Plaid' pid='124169' dateline='1461498374']
Make a snowman while you wait for her to finish up her conversation.


...Well, okay.


There you go, that should do it! A fine way to pass the time! You used to do this all the time with your cousins, making little snow-hiiri, usually in the middle of the night. Fun, and practical too; during raids, it hid numbers and locations from whoever cared to know. At least, that's what your elders told you. All you cared about was finding the perfect shape of leaf to fit your creation's ears. There weren't very many good ones up here, but they'll do nonetheless!

[quote='K25fF' pid='135258' dateline='1464337664']
>Don't interrupt, just see if you can find a better vantage on her conversational partner.


Feeling satisfied (and a little impatient for Maya's conversation to end - it seems to go on and on), you find a discrete place to slide down the wall to the ground, and make your way across the plaza. The two have moved a little further into the bank, maybe to avoid blocking the entryway.

[quote='Ticanaru' pid='117995' dateline='1459211740']
listen in on them.


Pillars line the inside of the bank, headed by a few small queues of larger people... its not often you get to see the inside of one of these things. You take refuge between a pillar and the wall and just... watch.

You can't hear them too well, but, you're close enough to at least understand the flow of the conversation. Maya's voice is still comforting and sweet, but the cloaked one... is more smooth and direct, like a dark block of Rhodian chocolate.

"You know there will always be a demand for healers," they say. Not only is it smooth, but it leaves an impression that bites you to your bones. "The things that can happen up there can get ugly fast, and it's not exactly profitable work if nobody gets hurt."

Despite her earlier expressions, Maya seems a little sick to her stomach. "...W-well... The offer is tempting... But I haven't the need for work any more, at least for a while. And... to be honest, if I did need to work again, I would probably like to avoid that..."


She is interrupted. "But, you and I have stood side by side in the past, I know you have good experience! And this time, it's not even real! It's just a show, and you would only need to stay in the back and clean up!"

"...It's real enough for me," Maya says. "You know I never did well with the sight of blood, no matter how good I was at hiding it."

The one in the cloak is clearly getting a little desperate, but you have no idea what they could possibly be talking about. Something dangerous, you can gather. But Maya seems sure of her own decisions.

You were too curious to notice that you were more exposed than you thought. There's a brief pause, and the cloaked figure acknowledges your presence. "...Hey, Hiir. Get out of here, you have no business with us or our wallets." Maya is a little slower to notice, and she pulls her scarf closer to herself as she turns to look in your direction. "...Hm?"

Post Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:15 am
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[quote='Wheat' pid='152943' dateline='1472211151']
Semi-hide, in a way that looks like you are shy, but don't mind being caught.


...You don't really want to show your face, but you do want Maya to recognize it. There's silence for a while... she looks like her mind is other places. The large eye underneath the cloak narrows its stare, as if annoyed that you continued to allow yourself to exist in their presence, but fortunately for you, Maya figures out who she was looking at before they berate you more.


"Oh gosh, Raoul! That's no cutpurse!" She reaches one of her hands into her scarf, and produces your bag, fixed up with a new strap. "I was hoping to finish this while we were still travelling, but... here it is!" It fits you better than it did before; she must have been paying attention to that on the wagon. Aaand.. as you look inside, you find some of that colorful fruit. How kind of her.

Maya pulls you onto her shoulder, and you hug to the side of her head. "I'm sorry, Deline, this is... someone I met while traveling here."

"...No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have misjudged," you hear the green figure say.


"It's rude of me to talk like that in front of a friend of a friend, and behind a mask, no less. It's hard to see out of that thing, anyways." Between her voice and her face, you're having a hard time reading the emotions on this person. It's been a while since you've met one of these, after all. You've forgotten the name of their kind; they certainly look the part of 'dangerous magic user' that you do remember, though.

You nod slowly, and she continues to speak. "...Is this what you've taken to doing these days? Helping those down on their luck?"

Maya hesitates, and stands up, lifting you up onto her shoulder. "...No. I mean... not really. It's just been escorting caravans and doing heavy lifting."

"That can't be good for your back."

"...I suppose it isn't, but... it's just not what I'm looking to do right now. Thanks again for the offer. Besides, I have all the money I need now."


Maya sighs and adjusts her scarf. "...Or I will, as soon as my driver shows up here with payment, and gives me the okay on grabbing the rest of my things."

The cloaked girl frowns. "Well, if you're not going to come work, then will you at least see the show tonight? I'll even be able to get you in for free. Both of you."

There's some more silence, before Maya speaks up again. "...I guess there's no reason not to. I'm only leaving tomorrow."

You've met some very generous, or perhaps very desperate people in your time. It's often difficult to tell which is which.

Post Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:47 pm
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[quote='tronn' pid='167257' dateline='1482957682']
>Ask her name. What show is she talking about?


You ask the woman (her name turns out to be Magdeline, shortened to Deline) what kind of show she works on. She looks surprised for a split second, but then she looks at you, and remembers something. "...Ah. It's a tournament. Every week, there's a fight underneath the clock tower - scripted and choreographed, of course. A lot of rich folks come from all over the world to see it. My character is known as 'Cyclops,' and I'm featured tonight." Knowing enough about the real Cyclopes that roam the deeper forests, the name certainly sounds intimidating enough. Deline shows off the black fabric mask that gives her the appearance of having one large eye. "It's too early in the day for it, but I still like wearing this cloak part of the costume; it's nice in this chilly we've been having. Wearing the whole thing just makes me... stand out. I enjoy recognition, but not crowds. ...Either way, it's good advertisement when people see me with my hood up."

The three of you talk for a while, discussing the show and the town's various attractions. It turns out that the show starts at sundown; sunrise was only a few hours ago, so you have some time to kill.


After a bit, the driver arrives... and with a huge sack of money. You've never seen anything like it. It's larger than you!

"Well," he explains, "I was feeling generous, since I know Maya will need a lot of money to raise her family. That, and Mort happens to be a wanted con man, so there's no way I'm going to pay him. We found the burn marks under his visor so he must have been smuggling it under there. He wasn't even using space magic. For a recognized criminal, that seems... pretty stupid."

Maya concurs. "...You're probably right about that."

The driver goes on. "Either way... the caravan is in the lot now, and you can go grab your things. You can split that between Raoul and yourself however you decide, since I can't think of anyone in more need of it. And Raoul..." He turns to you.


"I wish you only the best on your travels, and I hope to never meet you again."

With that, he disappears into the crowd behind him.


"...Huh," Deline says, standing behind you. "That was pretty neat."

Post Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:49 am
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[quote='Thegreath3rpa' pid='167676' dateline='1483396624']
>Bite a single gold coin like it's chocolate,It's been a long time since you've seen money!


Maya and Deline make their way for the caravan, and you ride along. You ask Maya for one of the coins in the bag, and you and give it a testing bite... It doesn't bend, or anything of the sort. You don't think you've even seen this denomination before, either.


You've only ever seen brown and white coins. These ones are very colorful. You're not even sure what this is supposed to depict. Maya tells you that all these colors are worth 250 spice each, but of course, the writing is as intricate and indecipherable as ever; you couldn't possibly have figured that out yourself. This coin alone is more money than you've seen in your entire life, and it may as well be - its gigantic enough that you have to hold it with both hands.


Maya explains how she wants to split it up. "There's a lot more in here than I expected, so I deposited what I needed to my account already. The rest... I'll let you have. And we can spend the day here figuring out how you want to spend that, or save it, or, whatever you want. I guess.. I should get that "curse" situation squared away, as soon as possible. A magic analysis will only be a couple thousand spice," she suggests, rather causally. You can barely hear her over the sound of clinking coins underneath your paws; you've taken to counting it all as the confused Hawren guard watches the other two allow you to do this.

Deline stands outside as Maya enters the cart, putting away her things and fiddling with papers. She ponders your future plans. "...What exactly do you plan on doing with him, Maya? He can't stick around with you forever, and I don't think he knows what to do with that amount of money. No realtor is going to accept him as a client, either."

The Torill sighs, and sets down the note she was reading.

"...I don't really know."

"Is he just going to tag along with you until you go back to your family in Truce?"

"...Well, I guess if he wants to, he can. It's not like one more mouth to feed will make a difference, heh.."

The clinking of coins stops as you sit back to take a break. You think you're about halfway done counting, but you're not used to these kinds of numbers. You're hovering around twenty-four... no, five thousand spice so far.

Deline continues. "Well, if he has other plans, I at least suggest you figure him out a way to defend himself, and some food. He seems honest enough to, you know, not rob somebody, and there are some good weapon shops in town. At least one of them has to have something Hiir-sized."

[quote='tronn' pid='167649' dateline='1483354843']
>Gamble it all on the tournament, that's a solid investment.

You can feel Deline wince behind your back as you say that. Her response is flat. "...Don't."

Otherwise, these all sound pretty good to you, but you're not sure what you want to do first.

Post Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:50 am
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Posts: 170
Location: Washington State

[quote='tronn' pid='168158' dateline='1484069614']
>You probably should hide that money before it gets stolen from you.


As you finish counting up your coins, you stuff them into your bag - the amount totalling to about 12,500 spice. Maya says that it's reasonable for a month's pay, and can cover for a couple months of living expenses, at least for a Torill. She says she doesn't need it, though; she already has a few hundred thousand in savings from the last year or so of work. You make note of wanting to open a bank account soon, since it's probably not safe to be walking around with this much on your person.

But then again, it isn't exactly common for a Hiir such as yourself to have this much wealth to begin with, and in a spacebending bag no less.

[quote='Schazer' pid='168130' dateline='1484041535']
Remove yon curse

Maya's advice seems the most sound. There's no need to trouble yourself or your future endeavors with whatever more this curse will bring, so you tell the other two once they have finished their business, and Deline guides you to a local magic expert she knows. It's only a short ride on maya's back before you arrive.


As you enter, you are immediately greeted with the sight of hundreds of books and various accouterments lining the walls. And a Rozo sitting behind a desk. "Hello, hello," she says, without lifting her eyes from the book splayed out in front of her. "How may we help you?"

Deline speaks for both you and Maya, as you're too unprepared to say anything yourselves. "I've brought someone here that may interest Aloysius..." She doesn't skip a beat. "Apparently there is a 'curse' that needs to be made sense of."

The woman finishes writing something, and then slithers into a neighboring room. "I will fetch him. It may be a moment."


The three of you take some chairs, and there is silence for a few minutes.


...And then someone emerges from the door.


"Hello to you both, ladies! I understand there is a curse here that I need to dispel? Oh..." He closes his book. "Magdeline, It's good to see you. How can I help you folks?"

Maya hesitantly motions to yourself, still situated and barely noticeable in her lap. "...Actually, it's the little one here."

"O-ohh, my goodness! A Hiir! You know, I never get to work with Hiiri! Well, don't just sit there, spit it out!" The Hawren is practically bouncing with excitement. "Tell me everything you know about this curse of yours."

Well, at least it's not the first time you've told anyone. How do you even begin to explain?


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